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30 July 2024
07 Min. Read

Code Coverage Techniques: Best Practices for Developers

Code Coverage Techniques: Best Practices for Developers

Fast Facts

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  1. Prioritize Critical Areas: Focus on testing critical logic and security components.

  2. Write Testable Code: Make your code modular and self-contained.

  3. Use Various Coverage Techniques: Apply techniques like statement, branch, and path coverage for thorough testing.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update coverage reports to address gaps and adapt to changes.

Developers often struggle to identify untested portions of your codebase, which can lead to potential bugs and unexpected behavior in production. You might find that traditional testing methods miss critical paths and edge cases, which leads to poor quality of the software applications. 

Code coverage techniques offer a systematic approach to this problem. It measures how much of the source code is tested and proved to enhance testing effectiveness. 

In this blog, we will discuss the code coverage techniques and best practices that will help developers achieve higher coverage. So, let us get started. 

Understanding Code Coverage

It's an easy yet crucial concept that measures how thoroughly your tests evaluate your code. In simple terms, it tells us the extent to which the application's code is tested when you run a test suite. You can take it as a way to ensure that every nook and cranny of your code is checked for issues.  

It's a type of White Box Testing typically carried out by developers during Unit Testing. When you run code coverage scripts, they generate a report showing how much of your application code has been executed. 

At the end of development, every client expects a quality software product, and the developer team is responsible for delivering this. Quality that is required to be checked includes the product's performance, functionality, behavior, correctness, reliability, effectiveness, security, and maintainability. The code coverage metric helps assess these performance and quality aspects of any software. The formula for calculating code coverage is:

Code Coverage = (Number of lines of code executed / Total number of lines of code in a system component) * 100

Why Code Coverage?

Here are some reasons why performing code coverage is important for you:

  • Ensures Adequate Testing: It helps you determine if there are enough tests in the unit test suite. If the coverage is lacking, you know more tests need to be added to ensure comprehensive testing.

  • Maintains Testing Standards: As you develop software applications, new features and fixes are added to the codebase. Whenever you make changes, the test code should also be updated. Code coverage helps you confirm that the testing standards set at the beginning of the software project are maintained throughout the Software Development Life Cycle.

  • Reduces Bugs: High coverage percentages indicate fewer chances of unidentified bugs in the software application. When you perform testing in production, it's recommended to set a minimum coverage rate that should be achieved. This lowers the chance of bugs being detected after the software development is complete.

Constantly fixing bugs can take you away from working on new features and improvements. That's where HyperTest comes in. It helps by catching logical and functional errors early, so you can spend more time building new features instead of dealing with endless bug fixes.

HyperTest is designed to tackle this problem. It automatically discovers and tests realistic user scenarios from production, including those tricky edge cases, to ensure that every critical user action is covered. By detecting a wide range of issues, from fatal crashes to contract failures and data errors, HyperTest gives you confidence that your integration is solid and reliable.
  • Supports Scalability: It also ensures that as you scale and modify the software, the quality of the code remains high, allowing for easy introduction of new changes.

Code Coverage Challenge

Quick Question

Are you planning to build Test Automation Suite?

Now let us move forward to understand about the code coverage techniques that you can leverage to measure the line of code:

Code Coverage Techniques

Code coverage techniques help ensure that software applications are robust and bug-free. Here are some of the common code coverage techniques that you can use to enhance the test process.

Code Coverage Techniques

Statement Coverage

Statement Coverage, also known as Block Coverage, is a code coverage technique that helps ensure that every executable statement in your code has been run at least once. With this, you make sure that all lines and statements in your source code are covered. To achieve this, you might need to test different input values to cover all the various conditions, especially since your code can include different elements like operators, loops, functions, and exception handlers.

You can calculate Statement Coverage with this formula:

Statement Coverage Percentage = (Number of statements executed) / (Total Number of statements) * 100


  • It’s simple and easy to understand.

  • It covers missing statements, unused branches, unused statements and dead code. 


  • It doesn’t ensure that all possible paths or conditions are tested.

Branch Coverage

It is also known as Decision coverage. This code coverage technique ensures that every branch in your conditional structures is executed at least once. It means that it checks that every possible outcome of your conditions is tested, giving you a clearer picture of how your code behaves under different scenarios. 

Since Branch Coverage measures execution paths, it offers more depth than Statement Coverage. In fact, achieving 100% Branch Coverage means you’ve also achieved 100% Statement Coverage.

To calculate Decision Coverage, use this formula:

Decision Coverage Percentage = (Number of decision/branch outcomes executed) / (Total number of decision outcomes in the source code) * 100


  • It provides more thorough testing compared to Statement Coverage.


  • It can be more complex to implement, especially if your code has many branches.

Loop Coverage 

Loop Coverage focuses specifically on testing loops within your code. It makes sure you are testing the loops in different scenarios: with zero iterations, one iteration, and multiple iterations. This helps to ensure that your loops are handling all possible scenarios properly.

You can calculate Loop Coverage using this formula:

Loop Coverage=Total Number of Loop Scenarios/Number of Executed Loop Scenarios​×100%


  • It provides robust testing of loops, which are often a source of bugs.


  • It can be redundant if not managed carefully, as some loop scenarios might already be covered by other testing techniques.

Path Coverage 

The main aim of path coverage is to test all the potential paths through which a section of your code is executed. This code coverage technique gives you a comprehensive view by considering different ways the code can run, including various loops and conditional branches. It ensures that you can test all possible routes the code might take.

You can calculate Path Coverage using this formula:

Path Coverage=Total Number of Possible Paths / Number of Executed Paths​×100%


  • It offers the most thorough testing by covering all possible execution paths.


  • It can become extremely complex and impractical for large codebases due to the sheer number of possible paths.

Function coverage 

This code coverage technique focuses on making sure that every function in your source code is executed during testing. If you want to get a through test, you have to test each function with different values. 

Since your code might have multiple functions that may or may not be called depending on the input values, Function Coverage ensures that every function is included in the test process.

You can calculate Function Coverage using this formula:

Function Coverage Percentage = (Number of functions called) / (Total number of functions) * 100


  • It’s easy to measure and implement.


  • It doesn’t ensure that the internal logic of each function is tested in detail.

Condition Coverage 

Loop coverage or expression coverage mainly focuses on testing and evaluating the variables or sub-expressions within your conditional statements. This code coverage technique is effective in ensuring that tests cover both possible values of the conditions—true and false. When it is done , you can have better insight into the control flow of your code compared to Decision Coverage. This approach specifically looks at expressions with logical operands.

You can calculate Condition Coverage using this formula:

Condition Coverage Percentage = (Number of Executed Operands / Total Number of Operands) * 100


  • It helps identify potential issues in complex conditions.


  • It can lead to a large number of test cases if your code has many conditions.

Code Coverage Best Practices 

Improving your code coverage is key to overcoming its challenges. To get the most out of your testing, you need to adopt a strategic approach and follow some best practices. Here’s how you can enhance your code coverage:

  • Set Realistic Targets: Focus on high-impact areas like critical logic and security components. Aiming for 100% coverage might be impractical, so prioritize where it matters most.

  • Write Testable Code: Make your code easy to test by:

    • Breaking it into modular components.

    • Using small, self-contained functions.

    • Applying SOLID principles and dependency injection.

  • Prioritize Test Cases: Not all test cases are created equal. Prioritize them based on their impact on coverage and their ability to uncover bugs:

    • Critical functionalities and edge cases.

    • Boundary values.

    • Complex code segments like nested loops.

  • Use Mocks and Stubs: These tools help isolate components and test various scenarios by mimicking behavior and managing dependencies. HyperTest makes managing external components easier for you by mocking them and automatically updating these mocks whenever the behavior of dependencies changes. 

  • Continuously Improve: Regularly review and update coverage reports to address gaps and keep up with code changes.


When it comes to delivering robust and reliable software, understanding code coverage techniques is key for you as a developer. By setting realistic targets and writing testable code, you can make sure that your tests are both efficient and effective. 

 Keep in mind that consistently improving and periodically reviewing coverage reports will help your tests adapt alongside your codebase. Implementing these methods will result in increased code coverage, ultimately resulting in improved software quality and performance.

Related to Integration Testing

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is code coverage?

Code coverage measures how much of your application's source code is executed during testing. It helps determine if all parts of your code are tested to identify untested portions and potential issues.

2. What is the best software testing tool?

Code coverage ensures adequate testing, maintains testing standards throughout development, reduces the likelihood of bugs, and supports scalability as the software evolves.

4. How can I improve my code coverage?

Set realistic targets, write testable code by making it modular, prioritize impactful test cases, use mocks and stubs to isolate components, and continuously review and update coverage reports to address gaps and adapt to changes.

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